Keep Your Organization and Employees Secure Without the Need for Mobile Device Management

Significant deployment and adoption challenges have lead many organizations to seek out Mobile Device Management (MDM) alternatives for their data security requirements.


In today’s day and age, there has been an increasing level of liberty enabling people to work and live anywhere in the world due to the expansion of communication technology and transportation, as well as changing global trends. But with employees using their own personal devices for work and as a result having access to sensitive information relating to their workplace, they become a higher priority target for cybercriminals, and therefore more susceptible to an attack.

Navigating the various compliance standards relating to your organization is hardly a walk in the park, so with the growing number of devices employees use to connect to company networks, it may seem impossible to keep tabs on who is accessing sensitive data. To stay secure, many companies feel the need to resort to mobile device management solutions (MDM) to enhance data security and comply with privacy regulations.

But should you use an MDM solution? Is that the only way to ensure BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) security in the workplace?

MDM Comes at a Cost & Invades Personal Privacy

In all honesty, there is nothing wrong with mobile device management platforms. In fact, it can be considered a vital part of the infrastructure needed to keep an organization’s data secure. However, an MDM system comes at a cost and can invade your employee’s personal privacy. No organization should have to decide between the security of their company or violating the privacy of their employees, and no employees should have to live under the threat of their company accessing, or worse, deleting their personal data.

A Complicated Change in Liability

An MDM can be a slippery slope when it comes to your liability as an organization. When installed, these platforms can give your company access to a device’s browsing history, location data, photos, and more. Many employees are unaware of the volume and type of data their company is collecting with the use of an MDM platform. As an employer, you may say that although your company has access to these types of ‘spying features’, you don’t use this technology to abuse the privacy of your employees, but this may open up the door to a new range of questions and related challenges. So, as an employer, who and what can you trust in this situation?

Considering the Related Costs

It’s only natural to want to reduce costs within your company, however, achieving this may be challenging in today’s climate, especially if you are recovering from the effects of the ongoing global pandemic. If you are a small company with limited funds or if you’re a larger organization looking to cut costs, an MDM solution is probably not the best option for you.

Q-Scout Provides Security without Violating Personal Privacy

Ensuring your company is safe and secure while ensuring you don’t violate employee privacy is no easy feat. Companies come to us saying they want the protection of an MDM platform, but don’t want the related costly oversight of their employees’ devices to facilitate this level of security. We’ve even heard current and potential employees are concerned when an MDM policy is implemented by an organization, and as a result, demand a work phone to ensure their company doesn’t overstep any boundaries when monitoring devices through MDM software.

With Quokka’s Q-Scout solution, you are able to preserve your employees’ privacy while keeping your organization safe and secure from potential vulnerabilities their personal devices could expose in your company’s security system. We also help minimize the liability your organization could suffer from accessing users’ private data and breaching well-known privacy standards. Ultimately, our solution eliminates the need for company-owned and controlled devices, saving your organization money and setting it up for a truly secure, effective BYOD, hybrid-working world.

Proactively securing your employees’ device against potential threats without breaching the privacy of your employees’ personal information can easily be done. We at Quokka are here to restore your organization’s peace of mind through our state-of-the-art security solutions.

For security testing you can trust, contact us today.

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