RSA 2022 Recap: Where was Mobile Security?

Check out the highlights from the RSA conference 2022 and get to know the trends, initiatives, and what was missing during the event.


After two years, the RSA conference returned with a bang earlier this month in San Francisco; or did it? The expo hall was full of new companies, established businesses, and new products and ideas. However, a key trend was missing – mobile security. The theme of this year’s conference was TRANSFORM, which, if you attended the speaking sessions, was not related to technology itself but to how we need to transform our way of thinking about security.

RSA Priority Trends

Privacy became a recurring topic throughout the conference, whether one was attending a seminar or walking the exposition hall. Globally, we are creating and consuming more data than ever before, and customers are putting their faith in companies to protect their personal and private information with adequate security protection measures. Customers need to be able to trust companies with their data and trust that organizations will protect their valuable information. We should start to see companies in the U.S. both large and small complying to rules and regulations whether it’s in-line with GDPR or an individual state’s regulations before there is larger U.S. legislation in place.

Another trend at this year’s conference was the evolving threat landscape, but quite frankly, when do we not take the opportunity to talk about the latest and greatest threats and ransomware at a security-focused conference? There was continued discussion on how the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) arrested over a dozen threat actors connected to the REvil ransomware group in early 2022, and how the Lapsus$ has executed multiple security breaches at high-level companies.

Lack of Mobile Security

Truthfully, it was surprising to see that mobile security, particularly mobile app security, were both put on the backburner this year. Mobile applications are gaining more and more traction on a global scale, especially as a strategic business tool for digital transformation.

That being said, hackers can easily find unprotected mobile applications and access data from backdoor entry points. Mobile application vulnerabilities can result in data loss, hidden spyware, malware, and much more. The topic was only lightly addressed at RSA but there was a significant lack of discussion on how to protect your mobile device from specific vulnerabilities.

Where Do We Go from Here?

Going forward, we must move away from focusing on the doom and gloom of cybersecurity and start creating meaningful discussions about giving customers peace of mind. With the expansive and diverse mobile threat landscape, businesses and consumers require enterprise mobile security solutions. This is especially true as mobile devices continue to become a more common and critical component of our day-to-day lives and in an organization’s IT infrastructure.

At Quokka, we are here to help you gain back in control of your data and privacy. Security and privacy are at the core of what we do. We identify security and privacy risks in any iOS, Android apps, and more without needing access to source code.

Proactively identify risks and threats before it’s too late with Quokka’s Mobile Application Security Testing Solution – Q-MAST.

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